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a division of the American

Chemical Society


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Division of Polymer Chemistry, Inc.


This website is not being updated as of July 2018.

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Advancing the world through polymer chemistry

Mission and Vision Statements

The Division of Polymer Chemistry, along with representatives of the ACS held a strategic planning session in January 2018.   Division Mission and Vision statements were revisited.  In addition, a number Division Goals were put forth.  These are listed below, with the current contacts.  We welcome any ideas and volunteers that will help in the accomplishement of these vision goals. 






Advance the broader polymer enterprise and its practitioners to meet the global challenges of today and the future




Be the premier professional organization promoting polymer science and its value to society


Strategic Planning Session January 2018 Report 



Strategic Planning Session January 2013 Report


Full Report


Three Goals were identified


1.   Grow a robust, diverse, global organization of academic, industrial and government polymer scientists.

1-1:   Form a task force of four to six people to get increased industrial participation prior to New Orleans meeting and hold a meeting at New Orleans.  [Diana Gerbi]

1-2:  Develop and execute a membership drive to increase overall membership by 2% per year over the next 5 years.  [Mike Meador]

1-3:  Develop a concrete plan to engage new leadership for POLY.  [Greg Tew]

1-4:  Create and implement a POLY Road Show [Frank Blum]



2.   Empower our membership by developing and providing a portfolio of valuable resources to thrive in the global polymer enterprise.

2-1:  Select and produce one virtual product per year for the next four years. [Gobet Advincula, John Pochan]

2-2:  Publish 2 workshop reports (highlighting meeting content) per year for the next 3 years [Dylan Boday, Kate Beers]

2-3:  Identify the benefits of the ACS meeting management initiatives as well as other sources and resources of virtual materials for POLY benefit by spring 2014 ACS meeting.  [Bill Daly]

2-4: Develop coherent awards strategy using existing awards as a starting point. [Ken Carter]

3.   Use state-of-the-art communication methods to convey the importance and activities of the polymer community to its members and the public at large by adding two (2) modes of communication per year for the next three (3) years.

3-1:  Develop or improve one new communication (apps, meeting blog, twitter, You tube channel, iTunes U, videos for website) per year for four years.  [Mark Dadman]

3-2:  Evaluate current social media and determine additional future opportunities to benefit members by Fall 2013 ACS meeting [Mary Ann Meador]

3-3:Hold two Science Cafés on the usefulness of polymer science per year for three years. [H.N. Cheng]

3-4:  Develop a system for submitting news items/press releases to POLY and including on website and email list. [Mary Ann Meador]





2006 Strategic Plan