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a division of the American

Chemical Society


You have reached the Older version of the Website for the 

Division of Polymer Chemistry, Inc.


This website is not being updated as of July 2018.

Please visit the NEW POLY website at:



Advancing the world through polymer chemistry


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Editable Application Form


 Previous awardees


Purpose: To recognize outstanding industrial innovation and creativity in the application of Polymer Science, conducted by individual scientists or research teams.

Award Description: The award consists of a plaque and an honorarium in the amount of $4000. The award is presented during the Fall National ACS Meeting of even numbered years. The recipient is expected to present an address at a symposium organized in their honor. Reasonable travel expenses to the symposium are paid in addition to the honorarium.

Establishment and Support: The award was established in 1999 and is administered by the ACS Division of Polymer Chemistry (POLY). The award is supported by the Industrial Advisory Board (POLY IAB). The first award was presented at the Fall 2000 American Chemical Society meeting.

Rules for Eligibility: Nominees (individuals or research teams) will be selected on the basis of the creative polymer science that they have conducted at an industrial facility and their contributions to technological innovation in the relevant sector of the polymer industry. Aspects of the work must have been published externally, which includes any of the following: patent applications, technical journals, marketing materials, or technical presentations. The award shall be granted without regard to race, color, national origin, sex, religion, disability, or sexual orientation.

Nomination Procedure:    All submission and review of nominations are handled electronically. Please complete this application form and include it as the first page of the nomination package. To complete the package please include a nomination letter that highlights the impact of the nominee’s work in the specific award area (max 2 pages), the nominee’s curriculum vitae (max 2 pages, tailored to the award), and a complete list of scholarly works relevant to the award (e.g., publications, patents, books, other scholarly works). The entire nomination package should be compiled as single PDF file and e-mailed to the Polymer Division Business Office: KathyL@vt.edu. For additional questions call: 540-231-3029.

An excellent nomination letter would address several but not necessarily all of the following criteria: (1) the nominee’s contributions to the advancement of polymer science in general, (2) the nominee’s contributions to technology being implemented by a company, (3) the nominee’s contributions to products being sold by a company, and (4) the nominee’s service or contributions to professional organizations such as (but not limited to): the ACS and its divisions, AiCHE, SPE, etc. Nominators should feel free to speak to impact and value generation that the nominee has created within the company in generalities so as not to require disclosure of confidential information (eg. Trade secrets, Know-how, etc.)

The evaluation of award packages will be coordinated by the POLY Awards Committee.  At least 50 percent of the evaluators for this award must be currently in industrial job roles.

The nomination and its accompanying material for the 2018 award must be received by the Awards Committee Chair no later than July 31, 2017.